Have a great day![emoji56]Hello Monday.Hello everyone,enjoy the sunshine.
I'm just gonna have a nap in the sun.Nothing would be better.![]()
That's a bummer! Glad you're not here tomorrow.. We're going to have a lot of rain and nothing will be dry here tomorrow.. No puzzle will get done outside here! Hope your stuff is inside or that it will be dry where you are.. Hang in there.. You'll get it done right.. We're counting on you and so are those chairs!I sprayed the third set of parts after I got home this evening and since the first two were now dry, I figured I'd try to reassemble those. I set the parts out and checked the new hardware...got all new of everything needed, so that's good. Then I started in on the assembly. Stuck two of the legs into a seat, then went to place one of the "braces" on the legs...and the holes didn't line up. Tried the other brace...same thing. Oh great. I pull the legs out of the seat and start swapping every combination of available legs with the braces and nothing lined up that would match the brace AND the seat.
So even though the parts are identical in shape, they seem to have been drilled "uniquely" to each chair. I should've kept better track of which chair I was painting, or just done one at a time from start to finish. I'm going to wait until this last set of parts is dry and now I get to play puzzle-le-do, or I guess I could always redrill holes if needed. Dang it.
That's a bummer! Glad you're not here tomorrow.. We're going to have a lot of rain and nothing will be dry here tomorrow.. No puzzle will get done outside here! Hope your stuff is inside or that it will be dry where you are.. Hang in there.. You'll get it done right.. We're counting on you and so are those chairs!
Just found out we're getting 2-4". We're in extreme drought and we need it badly so I'm happy for us.. ftw for CT!
Exactly... We got about 2 inches today in my town and maybe another inch tomorrow... We're on a hill here but we're near a river and parts of the neighboring town floods sometimes. My son lives in another town that's close to two tributaries of the same river... But his property is on a hill above the main road, so he's good. I hope it dries out so you can get that chair puzzle going! I like puzzles.. Especially the kind my grandkids are up to with princesses and dragons and construction scenes and transformers and stuff... We're hoping to get lots of snow this year too. I got a pair of snowshoes for myself and my older daughter and Santa will bring a pair for my 5 year old grandson so we can make some trails around our yard for our two little 10 lb dogs so they can have a snow maze like I made them two years ago for the win! Surprising for little dogs, but they love the snow as long as I put their little coats on them[emoji39]Yeah, we're getting some rain here too. Expected through tomorrow. We're in a lull at the moment I think; must've rained in the overnight hours but the drive to work saw no rainfall. The roads and all were still wet and the skies are overcast.
The parts of the third chair are hanging in my shed, safe from the elements. I'll leave them there through tomorrow; I went and handled the other two chairs and got some paint on my hands in the process. Mostly from some globs resulting from runs but the majority of the parts are dry.
Oh boy. Hope things don't flood out up there!Always the kicker with droughts...when it finally does rain, it really really rains...and then you're paddling out of the deluge. Feast or famine, ya know?
Exactly... We got about 2 inches today in my town and maybe another inch tomorrow... We're on a hill here but we're near a river and parts of the neighboring town floods sometimes. My son lives in another town that's close to two tributaries of the same river... But his property is on a hill above the main road, so he's good. I hope it dries out so you can get that chair puzzle going! I like puzzles.. Especially the kind my grandkids are up to with princesses and dragons and construction scenes and transformers and stuff... We're hoping to get lots of snow this year too. I got a pair of snowshoes for myself and my older daughter and Santa will bring a pair for my 5 year old grandson so we can make some trails around our yard for our two little 10 lb dogs so they can have a snow maze like I made them two years ago for the win! Surprising for little dogs, but they love the snow as long as I put their little coats on them[emoji39]
Sounds like you have it all under control. The fudge sounds yummy too! We've had those sneaky floods too especially when we moved here 30 years ago... Our neighborhood has been lucky as we're up the hill.. But you never know what's gonna come the next time... They say our whole downtown on both sides of town were under water in 1938 and 1955 but they've rerouted some of the tributaries and it's been minor since then..I live snow and I can't wait..I have a4x4 also and when I was learning how to drive, my Dad took me to a big empty parking lot outside of town and let me drive and brake till I lost all fear. I love to wake up the morning after a big storm and pull the truck or and go for a nice ria around town and take pictures..I still have no fear...I have a Ford Explorer and they put on hancook Tues which are great performance tires but I knew they'd be bad in snow... The first winter I almost killed my self a few times because i had no fear and drove like usual. Last winter I said "hell no" and got a set of Blizzaks on separate rims and it's back to" no fear" again. I had to go from the 20" rims on the original tires to 18" rims for the Blizzaks because that was as big as they get.. Worked out fine! Anyway, you have a nice day. It's dry here now but rains coming in later and we still need more! For the win!Gotta watch it near those waterways. Back over the summer, we had a "freak" rainstorm that dumped a few inches of rain on our area in a very short timespan...like an hour or two. The historic district Main Street in Ellicott City (about 40 minutes from where I live) ended up getting completely flooded from this rainfall. That was back and the end of July and they're starting to recover now, but still have a ways to go. I hope the snow holds off here as long as possible, even though I have a 4x4. LOL.
Two of the chairs are back together. Took me long enough (I got sidetracked by having to make some fudge for my girlfriend so that she could take it to work for a bake sale they're doing today); I would've done number three but it was so late last night by the time I finished the first two. I did end up cheating a little and redrilling some of the holes to get the parts to fit together. The album has been updated.
So I hope to tackle the last one tonight then gotta wait for my girlfriend's mom to get the cushions done. She's going to make one for us to test fit, tweak as needed, and then make the other two.