When you're at the home screens, press the menu button on your phone (the one with 4 lines if you're on the Droid) and choose 'Preferences'Hay guys, I need help with this app. I have never downloaded it off the market, yet when I set up my phone after installing a rom, one of the first things that pops up is the "which app sould you like to perform this action?" It gives me 3 choices, launcherpro, the regular one, orADW launcher...I've been using launcherpro as my dfault, and it's awesome, but I'm not able to open it to tweak the settings. It doesn't show up in my apps...the only place it shows up is settings/apps/runningapps, and in there I can't really do anything with it...
So I tried downloading it from the market and it won't DL, I just get "unsuccessful" every time..
Should I uninstall in settings and try to re-install from the market maybe?
Thats where you change your LauncherPro settings.
Thanks man, is the reason I can't install it because I already have it?