I'm curious, I hear that going past 232 is not recommended because there may be no way to get back to 905. I've had a Bionic since about a month after it hit the market. Let me ask these questions since I'm STILL on 905.
1. In the past, has there ever been
any leaks for the Bionic that once installed could NOT get back on OTA path?
2. If the answer to #1 is yes, what happened to those phones? They're still out there I assume...
3. If I had installed the 238 version of ICS, is there a way to "upgrade" to the 242? If not, is it expected anytime or is the new security the problem?
4. I just downloaded the Samurai House of Bionic 6.7.242. Is this the preferred way to install the 242 update and why? I'm confused because people keep talking about the Samurai version, but I've always installed leaks/updates from the bootup menu after copying the zip file to my SD card.
5. In this thread I've seen two "Samurai House of Bionic" files linked. I downloaded both. One is 6.7.242 so I'm pretty sure I know what that one is for. But what is the 5.5 version for? It's 2MB or so, which is SIGNIFICANTLY smaller than 6.7.242.
I'm asking #1 and 2 because I'm curious as to what will happen when the OTA is finally released. Will those "poor" souls that are on version between 232 and OTA just have phones that can never be upgraded again? Is it expected that they're likely to be screwed or is a "fix" to get them back OTA expected/likely at a date some time after OTA?
I've been evaluating installing this latest leak because I'm getting impatient. I'm still on 905. I upgraded to the 1st or 2nd leak of ICS, but alot of apps had problems. So I went back to 905. I did notice that alot of my apps that were working fine, when restored with titanium backup, did not keep their data and settings. I'd like to avoid doing that again. It really sucks.
I'm mostly looking to hear that the likelihood of being stuck on 242 forever if its not OTA is slim/none and that I'm not likely to be in a position where I'll have to wipe the OS completely, reinstall and re-setup all of my apps again

Both of those scenarios would just suck.