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Leak .242?

Why would you think that you're going to see "some indication" in the next couple days? It's at VZW right now being certified. That takes 3 weeks. The build is from last Wednesday. There is almost zero chance of us hearing anything this week unless there's a fire under VZW's @$$ to get this thing out the door. I don't think so. They are almost NEVER early with these things. So the earliest I'd think you'd see any indication is the 14th.

As for your other question, "Can I go direct from 232 to 242"....no. All the updates install on top of 905. Now if you're asking if the House of Bionic install 242 option can be used on a 232 phone, then yes, it can. Otherwise, you'll need to FXZ back to 905 and then install the 242 update. If you're going to play with a leak that is security locked to disallow you from FXZ'ing to 905, which any ICS update is going to require you to be on, then I HIGHLY recommend you learn what the HoB is doing and learn how to use it. Take some time, read the OP of the HoB, weigh the warnings with the amount of appetite you have for risk, and decide if you REALLY want to go to 242.

Thank you for the detailed answer and warning. I appreciate it.
Yea, I had a couple different sources tell me this is LIKELY going to be a soak build in a couple weeks. But that's DEFINITELY subject to change. So take it with a pound of salt.

I hope this isn't a soak build they plan on using, I personally have had slightly better battery life than I did on 238, but now my phone doesn't want to stay on 4G, it prefers to use 3G over 4G for some odd reason, did a factory reset and the issue persists, I also tried to reinstall 242, with the 3G/4G issue still there afterwards.

I have also confirmed the sound glitch is still present in this build where you have no sound until either you make a call and end it (I use Voicemail), or you reboot your phone.

I have also noticed by a speedtest.net app use that wifi on this build is slower than previous builds, my house wifi on my laptop is coming in at 30Mbps, while the phone says it is 5Mbps. I used a friend of mines Bionic which is on 905 and it shows the 30Mbps. This didn't happen until I installed 242, but maybe an isolated incedent, I have a Bionic I bought on launch day, have had some issues with it, and never wanted to warentee it due to being told I would get one that has no SD-Card slot on it as my replacement.
I love hearing about the 3G/4G handoff. It's a very tricky thing to do if you think about it. If you have 3G only then the choice is easy... broadcast 3G.

But if you have 3G and 4G signals the phone has to decide if it wants to use 4G instead of 3G. There must be a threshhold of how stong a signal must be to decide to use 4G instead of 3G.

If the threshold is too low then you have people that seem to have a 4G signal but the transfer rates will suck and they intermittently lose connection because the 4G signal really isn't strong enough to be reliable.

If the threshold is too high then the signal may be strong enough to use 4G but 3G is being used because the phone thinks that the 4G signal isn't strong enough to be trustworthy.

Then add in factors such as:
1. Phone antennas are not all created equal between different models.
2. Nearby electronics that can cause higher interference in certain frequencies.
3. Building materials can cause the signal to degrade significantly.
4. How many users on your nearest tower are using 3G and 4G. Too many on one and it can cause excessive network congestion.
5. Software bugs in the OS and apps on your phone.
6. Software bugs in the tower software.
7, Hardware issues with the tower.
8. Hardware issues with the phone.
9. Solar flares from the sun.
10. Is Verizon performing maintenance on your tower?
11. Has your tower lost power because someone swerved off the road and hit the transformer that powers your tower?
12. Did some knucklehead construction worker just cut through the fiber optic link between the tower and the internet?

Need I list more? I bet I can think up at least 10 more ways.

So at the end of the day, if you are in an area that has 4G, and you don't have a signal tell me which one(or combination) is your problem?

You see that you upgraded from version X to version Y of the OS, but that's not to say that the upgrade is responsible for the problem. Did a solar flare arrive around the same time as your upgrade? Did someone crash into your tower's power source?

I'm absolutely amazed that people actually expect 4G to be reliable at this point. In terms of wireless technology, 4G is bleeding edge. It will be for the next 2 years IMO. That means you shouldn't EXPECT 4G to "just work". While Verizon is trying to upgrade towers to 4G there's only so many techs that can do the upgrade. There's also only so much of the new 4G technology hardware to install. Add in the problems Verizon has reportedly had with keeping the 4G network up in some cities and what do you get? You get EXACTLY what we all see. A network that is building out slowly but surely and as much as us power users want 4G and want it right now it just doesn't happen that way.

If I take my laptop and start walking through my house I get great wifi signal in some places and no signal in other places.

While I would expect that someone paying for a wireless service should get good service almost anywhere, there are things that are out of Verizon's control. If I walk into KMART near me I lose my signal. I don't know anyone who's phone works inside our town's KMART. I'm confident even if the tower was in the KMART parking lot it wouldn't matter.

So yeah, I get that having problems with 4G sucks. But I don't even have the option of 4G in my town, and probably won't until 2013 at the earliest.

I don't expect 4G to ever make us happy for as long as we own our Bionics because we will likely all have upgraded before the 4G network is really well built out. We all just have to learn patience. I haven't seen another 4G phone yet that doesn't have a bunch of "I have a 4G connection that keeps dropping/weak" threads.

Even after the 4G network is built out I expect the network to put some users on 3G and some on 4G just because of limitations on how many phones can connect to the tower and frequency limits. If I were Verizon I'd design some kind of way to rank users in terms of priority for 4G service. Maybe rank people by how often they get 4G. Someone that never gets 4G and enters a 4G area temporarily might be ranked higher than someone that always has 4G. Someone that's downloaded 100MB may outrank someone that's downloaded 3GB. What's going to happen IF a system like this happens? Do you think Verizon will really come out and admit it? Do you REALLY think Verizon is just going to abandon their 3G frequencies when they are so valuable and can be re-purposed as a backup for 4G?

Heck, for all we know your sim plays a part in it and those folks that are getting a new sim from the VZW stores because they keep getting dropped from 4G are being reranked up high because they have a new sim. What does the end user see? The sim MUST have been at fault. What if you keep replacing your sim card and the ranking system will downgrade you if you replace your sim too often? Then replacing your sim will backfire and make things worse. Correlation is not causation. Unfortunately there's far too many people that look for the simple answers to the universe and will always refuse to believe that so much more is going on behind the curtains there's no way you'll truly know what the problem is.

I expect everyone to be complaining about 4G for years to come because I don't expect everyone to be on 4G all of the time once buildout is complete. It just doesn't make much sense from an engineering/physics/cost effective analysis.

Besides, this may all be a mute point in 5 years when only a small fraction of users have an unlimited plan and you won't care so much about how fast your page loads and more concerned with not going over your download cap. By then people will probably be complaining that they are getting only 10Mbit/sec because 4G is so oversold.
That was a long post. Lol. I would have asked something much more simple. You upgraded to 242 most likely keeping data and now have issues with the phone. Did you factory reset it and re set it up again? Or did we just assume it was the 242 update causing problems?

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
I would hit QUOTE on that, because it's exactly what I think and don't say, but using quote for that bada** post would definitely be a space waste.

My hat off to you sir!
I find it unbelievable that someone would pay for a product that is supposed to do something, and then think its OK that it only sometimes works...what are you paying for then?

On a similar note, I believe 4g in my area is reliable and does work the way it was intended, the bionic just is an issue laden phone. In my experiences, 4g works as well as it is touted on tv and whatnot
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People have been interested in what I disabled. This list isn't comprehensive as I uninstalled some of the crap that could be uninstalled. And if you use some of this, then don't disable it. This is simply my list of useless crap. :) The remote diagnostics can't be disabled through the normal means so I freeze it with rom toolbox pro. I haven't yet done that on 242.

City ID
MOG Music
MotoCast ID
Music Store
My Accounts
My Music
Print to Retail
Slacker Radio
Social Location
Superuser (Yes, I use SuperSU so I disable Superuser.apk)
Text Messaging (I use handcent)
V CAST Tones
Verizon Login
Verizon Video
Voicemail (I use google voice)
VZ Navigator
What about Verizon Remote Diagnostics? I figure it is so they can remote in to fix issues but that won't really help with the current build!
I froze Remote Diagnostics (with TB), will probably remove it along with most of what Samuri listed and do a FDR if. 242 is the soak. Actually I was kind of surprised that most Apps I had frozen already (like city ID) remained frozen after going from .232 to .242 with HOB.
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