I am on V.5 nightly with kernel.
I am having trouble getting my contacts to sync with facebook profile pictures, but I believe that others are having this same issue.
I am also having difficulties adding the Astrid power pack widget to a home screen (this could be application/widget specific though).
I could not enter the accounts screen until i setup the phone with Liberty customizer, when pressed it would flip into the screen and immediately exit.
After clicking on Liberty Customizer i would start to download what it needed but if I rotated my phone and my screen turned the download would stop and i would end up at the 'do you want to download' screen.
Calendar would not sync/work until i chose the blur calendar in customizer.
I am not sure if gmail is syncing properly.....will report back on that later
Side note about the theme: I loved the theme or whatever that was on .1...i want that back!
I'm going from memory but IIRC FB would not allow Google to integrate the FB contacts into Google Contacts. Basically you end up with 3 contact lists internally that get linked together (phone, Google and Facebook). Because FB will not allow Google to merge that contact data into Google Contacts big G basically told them to piss off and as of Gingerbread they changed the way Android accesses/links (or doesn't link) FB contacts.
I did not let FB sync contacts after I wiped (having multiple contact lists sucked) so I haven't hit this, but I believe this is not a bug in Liberty but rather a "feature" of Gingerbread. Personally I wish FB would allow it because it would be handy (I'm too lazy to manually assign profile pictures to contacts, etc), but I understand why Google made the change (it completely craps on the user experience like this).
I received my first phone call....and a picture of my finance showed up as she called. After we hung up I find that all my FB pictures syn ed to my contacts......how odd.
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