Well they both have 4.3" displays lol...but I agree, the Revolution's does look bigger, probably because there's less of the chassis surrounding the screen.
And technically all "transferring" and upgrade to another line does is extend the contract on whatever phone line the upgrade was transferred from. So just upgrade a line that can be upgraded and activate it on whatever line you want, same thing as transferring the upgrade.
Actually I am looking to upgrade a line that is currently under contract, I can only assume a Verizon mishap. Nevertheless, I'm about 6 months into my contract, if I upgrade (which Amazon confirms I can do) will the contract end two years from tomorrow or will it end two years after my current contract ends?
Yes they do both have 4.3 TFT screens. However the TB's looks washed out compared to the Revolution.
The Revo's screen is almost as good as the Charge's Super AMOLED Plus.
Luckily my Storm II is now out of contract and due for an upgrade. I'm getting The LG Revolution as the replacement.