I've about given up on 2.2 and am ready to root my phone since Verizon and Motorola doesn't care about their customers...
That's a pretty dogmatic generalization. 90% of VZW/Android users probably don't even know what Froyo means or that 2.2 is close to coming out. Those of us that are die-hards on this forum and others know about these things so far ahead of time that it feels like we've been waiting forever, but that's not really a fair timeline to use.
Agreed. Especially since the revised release of flash was this summer any how...
But, OTOH, I agree with the idea of rooting. Previously I had no reason to root, but I am seeing my phone start to feel slow, want to have Froyo and now that it is officially unsupported, have 3/4 of my contract to play around with it....I now have 3 reasone. :/