If, as stated earlier in the forum, VZW, and Motorola read this forum, they must find some of the posts here entertaining.
What is with the whole "(expletive) VZW, (expletive) Motorola" attitude?
If the two companies aren't out and out lying to us, they are conspiring to take our money, and not give us an update, or they are trying to force us into upgrading to the D2 or Dx or the Incredible, so they can rake us for more money.. Or, VZW is conspiring, against motorola's wishes, to keep 2.2 out of our hands, because, *gasp* the Droid is "end-of-life" or they don't like the Wi-Fi tethering, or they found a bug and sent it back to motorola, or they want to lock something down/out so as to restrict our freedoms, yadda, yadda, yadda..
I remember seeing several sources stating that the Droid will get 2.2, I haven't seen anything, other rumors, innuendo, conspiracy, and outright febrile hallucinations that would indicate that we are not. The first date of 7/13 was based on a rumor, with nothing to back it up. So far, our sources here have said 8/7 and have not backed off of that.
So, I am not worried.