NICE! :rofl2:
I would have expected vzw to have wp7 before sprint with the microsoft bing deal. But I see wp7 as last gen high end devices same cpu as the n1 no more ram were moving almost two generations ahead as far as cpu and gpu go you will have tegra2 soon this coming spring the dual core omap and msm chips. But back on topic hopefully vzw doesn't screw this phone up or delay it im getting antsy for a new phone
I just can't see VZW not releasing a high-end, keyboardless, touch screen phone for the holidays. It doens't make good business sense if they didn't.
I just can't see VZW not releasing a high-end, keyboardless, touch screen phone for the holidays. It doens't make good business sense if they didn't.
That might be true, if VZW actually MADE phones.
yeah I will be very sad if they delay till spring. I need vzw service now, not next year lol! I dont even care if its not much faster than the dx, I basically want the evo/desire hd on verizon! If they released this now, then released a upgraded LTE version in march that wouldnt be smart for them.
Reasoning being, there would be a lot of angry adoptors of the 3g device who all of a sudden their new phone being less than 6 monts old is already obsolete by its younger brother. I know that would prob piss me off too. Just saying.
I'm thinking they should just wait until spring, and launch the LTE/dual core/ ultra high tech version. Or launch the 3g now then wait till this time next year for the lte version.
if only we can do a poll in this thread.
Question: Who thinks the dinc hd is getting release before year end?
Ill start off by saying YES. anyone else?
UGuys o never said it was gonna push. I said I'm waiting to hear today. Calm down a bit.
Sent from a Drkid from somewhere in FLA using Tapatalk
i still have high hopes or they wouldnt be so strict with Miami.. just sad and humorous that yet again we hear "this weekend" and then "monday" and now its "tuesday or wednesday" or "by weeks end" its so funny... not complaining, im really pointing out how hilarious it is.. haha
i wish i could forget about this thread for 1 week but nope ill be here checking my brains out fully knowing i will learn nothing new today.. lol
...did anyone else eligible for an upgrade get a request for a survey from VZW?
The gist of it was "why haven't you used your upgrade?" One of the responses possible was "I want an iPhone." There was also a write-in segment where you could state things like, "I want an LTE device."
No I didn't get a survey - was this electronic or by snail mail? I would have written in the HTC DINC HD as the reason I am waiting.