Still - it would be very foolish of Verizon to go into the Holidays without a top tier handset for the touch screen crowd. They risk losing los of customers that are coming off contract this fall/winter.
Yeah id be surprised if no flagship device is launched for the holidays unless they think the D2 Global is flagship.
I agree, but here's a thought. Let's assume all the rumors about the iPhone coming in Jan/Feb are true. Despite what many of us feel, VZW is going to sell a boatload of those devices and have a huge marketing push. Now if VZW introduces some truly flagship devices before the iPhone release, they may think that they won't sell well due to people holding off to check out the iphone. If this is true, it would make sense to wait for VZW to incorporate LTE into these phones so that it would differentiate them from the iphone and would not cannibalize iphone sales. Don't forget that VZW doesn't really care what phone you buy, but that you're signing up for an expensive data plan. By keeping the iphone4 on its 3G network, it allows many people to have a highend smartphone with a reasonable data price. When LTE comes out, I'm sure data packages will be more expensive and allow the hardcore users to buy higher end android devices which will allow VZW to make more money off new plans/packages which is why they would delay the DINC HD and stick an LTE radio in it. A 3G DINC HD isn't enough of a change from an EVO to make people switch to VZW who haven't done so already.
Not only verizon but I think the manufacturers (eg HTC) are worried about the iphone and feel the only way to keep sales would be to go the LTE route since the iphone wont be 4G, that would explain the merge being pushed back...and likely the DincHD as well.