This is exactly the boat that I'm in. I have been DYING to dump my Storm for a high-end Android phone. I told myself I would wait until Black Friday to see where things stand and then pull the trigger. I can't wait until March for LTE (and since I work in NYC I could enjoy LTE).
BUT if VZW doesn't come through with something terrific this holiday season I'm walking.
ALSO I will be pissed if I get the HD now and an LTE version slides down the pike in a couple of months. Having an upgrade possibility would be terrific, but seeing how VZW has handled the Droid 2/D2 Global I doubt they will, greedy sons of burritos.
So here is the thing...
Ask your self this...if you bought an HD during the holidays and loved it and kept your bill the same every month. then saw an LTE version come out and wanted it but it would raise your existing bill every month. Would you buy it?
If the answer is no you wouldnt buy it to pay extra $$ per month for an LTE device. Then you have nothing to fear. IF you would then I say buy a Droid off ebay or from a memeber here and wait out your upgrade till q1.
NO LTE devices coming this year is the word I got last night. SO I expect everything to be 3g only. Again that could be wrong but the office and place that came from has a pretty good idea of what's going on...
I mean they could even read this forum :icon_eek:
Thanks for the advice, Miami. That's something to think about.
I could get an used Droid to tide me over until March and possibly the T2/Olympus/Etna would be available at that point.
Anybody dumping their X when the HD comes out? I might just take it off your hands....
No chance on dumping my X right now. The device "supposedly" coming this month is a 3G evo/desireHD clone with some ui/spec enhancements, with a revamp for LTE coming in Q1 that will truly make it an evo4g clone. Seriously, give me something original, not sprint's best seller 6 to 8 months later.