Well couple days with manual update here and I have to say battery life seems better
full charge thur night, left off charger overnight woke up battery was at 90, various emails,texts throughout day (id say screen on for about 4hours total for the day) , did about 2 hours straight web surfing, played games for about hour, had 4 calls (about 30min total) and at 10pm last night battery was at 30
This is my second update, did it as soon as it was up and seemed to be little weird so i redownloaded it, then did update again and its great now.
As far as all my info, contacts where there after update all settings were the same as before. I think I might see what others mean about the browser but its not bad. and I do believe the reason its like this is the tried to fix the problem with the screen flicking all the way down like before, its really due to the great touch sensitivity this droid has which in my opinion is far better than any other device out there today.
my past touch screens BB and WM devices I hated text from screen with my finger size I would make too many mistakes but this droid screen I hardly mistype at all and have gotten very fast in texting/emailing so much so I hardly ever open the reg keyboard, lol
Overall i am a very happy Droid owner and cant wait for better things to come
wish I could send a mp3 file in mms (can email them and any other file with astro) but hey thats not enough to make me hate the droid.