You could silence phone on old screen by moving the arch counterclockwise. It took a while for me to discover that, which is probably why they changed it. More visible feature now with two arrows. I find it takes more finger/thumb pressure to lock/unlock now. Odd.Update applied this morning, my reaction is that collectively we have made a whole lot of noise for not a lot of difference. I cant really tell thats its any faster (but then It wasnt slow before the update). The camera might be a little faster to shoot. The new unlock screen with the ability to silence the phone is nice.
Having said that, Im not disappointed at ALL... Im sure there are a lot of things embedded in it that will be helpful today and going forward (cant tell anything about battery YET, but Ill keep an eye on that). Im glad that Verizon/Moto/Google are keeping the Droid current. I just dont know that there was a whole lot of user visible bang in this update (which would be expected given its 2.0.1 - indicates a pretty minor update.