To be quite frank.. after my fiasco with Gameloft when i purchased "Real Football 2010", I found it easier to just DL the game from a 3rd party source *cough*. When they refused to refund me my money after they failed to provide me with a download link, THEN being treated rude by three of their CS reps I really don't care. I had to contact my bank and get a hold payment, then report it as fraud for "not receiving goods and/or services". I for one will always "pirate" their games, its just plain easier than dealing with them.
Gameloft might be incompetent when it comes to porting their games to Android, but that doesn't give you the green light to pirate their games for free. You contacted your bank and got your money back right? Why should you be entitled to their (albeit shoddy) work for free?
As for them not selling on the Market, I've stated my theory on this before. They
know most of their games are unoptimized and a lot of people (forget the numb nuts that buy it for their 1st gen devices) are just going to return it after buying from the market.
Com2US makes amazing games for both iPhone and Android, so does Camel Games and Hyperdevbox. None of these guys are as big as Gameloft.
Mustang, I don't know your definition of smooth, but I'd sure like to see your videos

. There should be no difference in performance between the Milestone and Droid. My running CyanogenMod shouldn't make a difference either.
Sorry if that came out as a whinefest, I'm just a little pissed after spending money on 4 of their games.