First of all, thank you to everyone who has worked hard at helping us non-devs get the ICS leaks on our phones without the fear of the brick.
Next, most of us reading the ICS threads have flashed a leak or two and probably are at .232 at this time. I know most of us are pretty careful to always have a "way bac" to GB, but really, after playing with ICS for a couple weeks and not having the notorious data drops of GB, would we ever really flash back to GB? We know that we can send back a device to VZW with almost anything on it, rooted or not, and not have any warranty problems... so I can't see any other argument that compels us to need to go back to GB.
Now, I'm not saying that we should more forward and all flash the next greatest leak that comes along, but why are we all so hung up on the ability to flash back to the half-working piece of crap that VZW handed us and called a working GB build?
There's a hundred threads in this forum of us all crying out for our ICS, but when it gets here, we're worried about hanging on to GB. Not ranting or knocking anyone personally, but just wondering why we all feel the need to hang on to the old like it's gold. Gingerbread is/was a pretty good ver. of Android, just not the Bionic's version.
This is because if you are on a leak, and the official OTA comes out, you can not simply "check for updates" and download ota update to ICS. We need to get back on the upgrade path, 902>905>ICS
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