I get a fc when I try froyo apps2sd. Kang 1.0
if you have terminal emulator installed, are you able to do the command
sh -c 'pm getInstallLocation' ?
This is really really nice. I'm no where near at the computer savvy level that a lot of the people here at DF are, but it downloaded super easy, and the interface was really simple to work with. The boot loaders and live wall paper controls were simple, and the reboot system controls were also simple. It was quick to boot to recovery. The only problem I have had is trying to remove an app. I kept getting an FC message when I tried to remove an app I had downloaded from the Market earlier in the day. It could easily be operator error, and I'm going to keep playing with it. All in all, I think this is a great addition, and I appreciate the work you have done. Very nice job.
what was the app you tried to uninstall? did you select to remove cache too? or just uninstall keeping data? where was it installed to sdcard/internal? are you able to use the file browser to goto where it was installed /data/app/,/system/app/,/mnt/asec/ longpress the file name and delete it?
and thanks again for your testing![]()
what was the app you tried to uninstall? did you select to remove cache too? or just uninstall keeping data? where was it installed to sdcard/internal? are you able to use the file browser to goto where it was installed /data/app/,/system/app/,/mnt/asec/ longpress the file name and delete it?
and thanks again for your testing![]()
OK. I get into Absolute System. The main screen comes up, and I press on the red minus symbol next to app management. The app management screen comes up in the background, and a sub-menu is in front asking me to identify which location. The default seems to be /data/app/. When I press on the sub-menu it gives me a total of five locations to look for apps that I want to remove with the /data/app/ being the first, and already selected. That is indeed the location of the app I want to remove, but when I hit the /data/app selection, it takes me back to the screen asking me for a location. The only way I can get by that screen is to hit the return button. When I do this, it shows a list of my applications, and their locations. When I scroll to the app I want to remove, it shows it as "/data/app/" on one line, and then right below that it shows "/data//data/com.kevlanche.ilg". When I long press on the app, it tells me that Absolute System has stopped unexpectedly...and I force close...
ok i got you now, with the test you are running i didn't have any Orientation management, so if you turned the phone and it turns orientation everything was reset, as if you had just clicked the Red button for the first time. I've since forced it to stay in portrait mode to stop with all that
Also I never even thought of ppl hitting the back button when that menu pops up to skip it haha. For now you'd have to pick a location. And once you pick one, you can re-filter the results by hitting the HARDWARE Menu Button.
Anywho hope all that mades sense, and thanks! That helps me out![]()
ok i got you now, with the test you are running i didn't have any Orientation management, so if you turned the phone and it turns orientation everything was reset, as if you had just clicked the Red button for the first time. I've since forced it to stay in portrait mode to stop with all that
Also I never even thought of ppl hitting the back button when that menu pops up to skip it haha. For now you'd have to pick a location. And once you pick one, you can re-filter the results by hitting the HARDWARE Menu Button.
Anywho hope all that mades sense, and thanks! That helps me out![]()
OK. It seemed to make sense, but I still couldn't get it to work...I can't seem to select the /data/app/ location. Any of the other location options take me to that location without the menu being in front, but the /data/app location (I'm assuming the default since it's in the background) doesn't seem to select...Hit the red button, select /data/app, and get the menu with the drop down arrow again. Hitting anything but the back button, including the physical keyboard menu button does nothing. I would assume at this point that it's operator error, and I'm too thick skulled to make it work. Any help?
i just tested what you are saying, you are correct whatever option is preselected you can't select for the popup to dissapear. I'm gonna fix that for test2. But for now just select a different option than the default, then when the list loads hit the HW Screen menu button with the horizontal lines on it, it should have a menu come up that says Filter Location, click that then choose /data/app/ and it should work.
Thanks for the catch!
1) Yeah I was wondering when someone would have Font issuesI've only been using the same font for my testing, u helped me out
I'm definetally gonna be working on the UI a bit more to try to make it more Universal depending on the fonts installed. Thanks
2) Are you able to use Froyos App Management to uninstall Amazonmp3?
Not sure how I can try to test that one, i'm gonna need to install a ROM with some pre-added /system/app/ Apps and go from there with this one. I dunno why it wouldn't let you remove even with the File Browser.
3) Using the App Management and removing any app from /system/app/ FCs? Does it fail with deleting any 3rd party apps from /system/app for you?
Also, like the other user was saying. How do you select a location? I was just using back to get the menu to disappear.
I'll keep you updated when I find more that haven't been mentioned
No apology needed, your doing a great job, thanks again!
Been busy this past week haven't had a chance to work on the app.but today is my Friday ill b able to get back to it and hopefully have another test ready. Been debating on if I want to add and option to download goodies or not. What do people think? Are most ppl familiar with downloading goodies onto PC/Linux/Mac and copying to sdcard?
Added some UI changes. And other Various stuff, haha.
Added Download Individual Goodies option(Only Setup for Bootanimations Downloads)
Change other things, i'll post all other changes later, but just kinda check stuff out, try different options, when using file browser short/long press files to get different options and see what works for ya.
Anywho just fool around with it and tell me if you get any FCs or anything.
This is a ROUGH beta so somethings might not work, and if they don't just let me know
anywho i'm out for now, i'll get a less rough version out tomorrow