NEW: When Will the ThunderBolt be Available for Purchase?

When will it be available?

  • Thursday, March 3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Friday, March 4th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Thursday, March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Later than March 17th

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Keep checking * that * page.

The 11 AM eastern time was confirmed across the board and was when the announcement was supposed to happen. This exact same announcement was originally scheduled for March 1 (Tuesday) and failed to happen then as well. Although, on that day I knew it was cancelled an hour or so beforehand. There's still a chance it'll be announced today. Also, Verizon has been late on getting things up on the site and through their PR before.

I'm texting everyone with ties to the matter. Will report back soon.

Thanks Sentrix.. I will put plugs on my pitchfork for now.. :) Sorry just picking.. appreciate whatever you can share.. for the rest I guess we now wait for the 10th..

The 10th is probably a more realistic launch date. Verizon needs to have time to set up a big marketing blitz.


I disagree. The XOOM commercials really took off after the release.

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AGAIN... March 31st. VZW then gets to throw themselves a party and yell "Q1! We DID IT!"
Just a thought, but VZW could have decided to wait until tomorrow now to announce a release date and start online pre-orders because of the 3-day "All Droids must go" sale ($100 off entire line of Droid-branded phones) that continues through the end of today. They want to get rid of as many of those things as possible.
Hey just know that HTC is trying to get it right. If they released the device with the known battery issues people would be outraged. If its anything like the inspire then its worth the wait for them to get it right

Maybe, but then say that, dont leave us hanging like they are. It would be a lot easier to stomach if they came out and said "Listen, we know you want this, but, the battery life sucks, we are making it right, we want to keep our valued customers in the loop, give us 2 weeks, please"
Well seeings how I have to wait for the tb....i just ordered the ipad2 to get me by lol
I cant believe so many people fell for it again! Verizon has to be monitoring these threads and laughing!

"Watch, Watch this I will get them to do it again! Look they think its coming at 10,,,,now 11...HAHAHAHA!"
Welcome to the lunacy Cakes....... Hope you enjoy the iPad 2, you will have to give us your thoughts once you get it.

Here is my thoughts on the TB release as of today........ I have a strong feeling we will be hearing something soon from Verizon due to the fact that other carriers and Apple are moving forward with releases faster than we can spin our heads. I do not think Verizon wants to be left in the dust. In addition, as it was already said here, the big sale of droids on Verizon ends today. So if there is going to be a release next week of the TB, I suspect we will get news of it either tomorrow or even Monday with presales to existing Verizon customers starting Tues or Weds like they did with the iPhone.

Just my hunch, nothing more.........
Welcome to the lunacy Cakes....... Hope you enjoy the iPad 2, you will have to give us your thoughts once you get it.

Here is my thoughts on the TB release as of today........ I have a strong feeling we will be hearing something soon from Verizon due to the fact that other carriers and Apple are moving forward with releases faster than we can spin our heads. I do not think Verizon wants to be left in the dust. In addition, as it was already said here, the big sale of droids on Verizon ends today. So if there is going to be a release next week of the TB, I suspect we will get news of it either tomorrow or even Monday with presales to existing Verizon customers starting Tues or Weds like they did with the iPhone.

Just my hunch, nothing more.........

I'm pretty much in agreement with this poster. Verizon is probably every bit as anxious as we are, to get that phone on sale and bringing in $$$. That being said, I can see them taking a week or so to advertise the hell out of the thing, so a 3/10 launch (out the door) is the most likely scenario.

I just wanna rock both of their rainbows! :rofl3:

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I think if its coming on the tenth they will announce on monday sell all the old droids today

sent from stock dx
Cakes your chiming in now?? Wow.. this really is turning into a party.. Enjoy the Pad.. wish I could convince my wife to let me get any kind of a tablet.. xoom, ipad2, galaxy tab.. anything.. oh well..

To stay on topic though.. the last couple posts about the Droid sell with a possible release date announcement tommorow or Monday do make sense.. guess as always time will tell
i'm thinking the 10th is when the thunderbolt will be available.

it's 12:25 in new york so an announcemnt could still be made by the end of the day, if not be patient... it will be worth the wait... i didn't wait and i kinda wish i did.

if there's no announcement today it will probably be announced monday morning. this makes sense because that will allow verizon to sell more of the current droids available as well as the iterror. phones get to stores tuesday and phones are available to customers on thursday.
San Diego the bolts are getting ready to Charge! I think release is soon

sent from stock dx
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