nexus $50 is it worth it over s3?

NOVICE said:
Been through Droid1, Droid X, Galaxy Nexus, and-now- GS lll. Don't root, flash, etc., and never took advantage of the real potential of Nexus. But was always disappointed in the Nexus radios and lack of internet speed.
Updates, including JellyBean, never added significant improvements in my experience.
Accepting that I never tapped full potential of Nexus, I still must say that GS lll is far and away the best phone I've ever had. Speed, screen size, radios--couldn't be happier.

Having droid x thunderbolt and now nexus
I am gonna get me some sg3 love....I hope I love it as much as you all
wvdroidman said:
I work at walmart and they do have it for $.97 here. BUT they don't do early upgrades at wal marts. Verizon won't give it to me for free will they? Especially with all of the problems I've been having with my thunderbolt?

U crazy they don't care about your previous phone issues ...I had the thunderbolt and then powering down issues and they fixed it right away .. thunderbolt wasn't that bad
I can't find where the verizon nexus is $350 on the google website
I currently still have an unlimited data plan and a droid x. but now that verizon is selling the nexus at $50 I'm considering buying and losing my plan for this phone. Am I being stupid? I use about 2 gigs of data myself.
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Are you going to unlock it? If so when you buy the phone it gets shipped to you. Dont activate it online. unlock iyt, flash your rom and then Take it in to the store to be activated. Dont tell them you bought it online. They should be able to activate it as a customer purchased device and activate it w/out losing your unlimited data. If that doesnt work activate it on a different line and transfer it over. Dont let them take your unlimited plan.
MonKENy said:
Are you going to unlock it? If so when you buy the phone it gets shipped to you. Dont activate it online. unlock iyt, flash your rom and then Take it in to the store to be activated. Dont tell them you bought it online. They should be able to activate it as a customer purchased device and activate it w/out losing your unlimited data. If that doesnt work activate it on a different line and transfer it over. Dont let them take your unlimited plan.
I guess I could unlock it (you can do that on Verizon?), if I flash a rom then take it in won't they see i rooted it therefore lose my warranty? Do I have to take it in why not activate the phone over the phone itself? You know when you dial *2246? When you say activate it on a different line you mean open a new line altogether or a pre-existing line (the other line is just a dummy phone also with an upgrade and no data plan) ? Plus, the agent who helps you place the order needs to adjust your order in order to sent you the phone they warn you that you'll lose the unlimited data plan.
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i just lost my unlimited data. Went down to 2gb data because I upgraded through executive care.
What is Executive care? Is that when the service representative help you at the store or over the phone?
yeah. Whatever you do do NOT activate online or over the phone. you WILL lose unlimited. No they didnt even blink when I handed them my phone that was rooted and unlocked running JBSourcery. Just tell them you bought the phone online and need it activated. And you want it activated as a customer purchased device.

I have 3 lines. I transferred the upgrade to the last line and bought the phone. They sent me the phone in the mail. I took it home, conditioned the battery, unlocked the boot loader, flashed jbsourcery, took the phone in to the store. Told him I wanted it activated on my line and that I bought it online. Made it clear I wanted to keep my data package. He activated it as a customer purchased phone. I went on my way.
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I already agreed to the terms and conditions. So I guess I am stuck.
yep, once done it cant be undone. You MIGHT be able to return the phone and reverse it if less than 14 days. May be worth it in your case. Then rebuy it and do it the other way.
had to do it over the phone as they ok'd me to upgrade early. Unfortunately couldn't do it in store.
Anybody ever heard of Wirefly? I just got a GNex for $30 on there with Verizon.