I had to call VZW yesterday (work related) and we got on the subject of the 2.1 update. While i do realize that level 1 tech is pretty much useless sometimes they offer some good insight as long as you ask the right questions. From what they/I understand VZW has nothing to do with the update other than pushing it out to the users. She told me that moto was the one responsible for the update and when Moto is done with it, it will be pushed out. No VZW testing, or anything really. I think with the "open source" aspect of the droid VZW may not have as much control as we think.... Thoughts?
Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. It is VZW's responsiblity to support these phones and VZW's customer support hotlines that will light up like Christmas trees if there are software issues with the update. I can't believe that they would blindly push an update with no testing/verification. I know my company would not.