MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Go there on your droid download and install.
Make sure you enabled unknown sources are allowed to install in the settings.
As for the 2.1 thing you sure you updated?
I followed the instructions, but I don't really notice any differences and I don't have 5 screens, so I'm guessing I didn't. How do I go back to the original 2.1? I think ill just wait for the OTA update
Here is how to install the 2.2 update:
First make sure you have:
Official 2.2 update
on your computer
Update: You dont need to rename this one it comes as (mine didnt)
Plug your droid into the computer
Transfer the file into your sd card (just where are the first folders are is fine)
Than unplug your DROID and power it down.
When turning it back on hold the X button on the keyboard as well as the power button.
You should be at a menu with a triangle and !, you than press up on the volume rocker and hold the camera button untill another menu pops up with 4 options.
Choose the install update from SD card and the 2.2 update will begin installing
If you get a :
E:Can't open /cache/recovery/command
Its fine and the update will install correctly.
If you get an error that says aborted it didn't work.
If you get an E:signtature verification failed it was bad download and you need to re download it.
Once it finishes choose the top option ( which say reboot) to reboot your phone so you can begin enjoying Froyo.
Than follow the flash player steps i told you before to get flash player dancedroid