-Awesome! Thanks for the help. Now I need to root...if you go to settings, applications, manage applications and select and app there is a tab to move to sd card. Some apps you can move, some you can't. The developer has to update the app to make it available to be stored on SD and since Froyo is fairly new there is a small amount of apps at this time but it will grow. If you are rooted you can use one of many ROMS that allow all apps to be stored on SD card.
I am having issues with texts on froyo never encountered with 2.1, more of an inconvenience, when i receive a message alert in the bar i click, it takes me to the entire text thread rather than the individual message, same with the shortcut for a text, instead of that persons text page i go to the entire thread of texts defeating the purpose of a text shortcut, anyone else?
Is anyone other than me having issues with apps opening in landscape? More often than not, I'm seeing both Handcent and K-9 opening in landscape and I have to literally shake my Droid to get it to change to the correct orientation.
I've gotten 2.2 a couple of days ago, and although I was hopeful to see some performance improvement, I don't see any. It's not laggy, it's just the same as 2.1. I wonder if there are some things I can do to allow 2.2 to shine more? Here are my questions:
- Besides going into each app to clear cache, is there a better/easier way to do this for non-rooted phones?
- How do you dump cache for apps not listed in the Manage Apps?
- Is dumping data a good thing to do for performance?
-I did a battery pull just on a lark, but didn't see any improvements. Are there other similar things that can be done that will improve performance?
Apologies if this has been posted, but I did search :
I am now getting some duplicate folders in Gallery ; not duplicates, exactly since they show different numbers of pictures, but they are the same folder twice and the pictures shown in each are in both. They are all PNG files for icons and dockbars (launcher pro), don't know if that means anything.
Anyone else getting this with (unrooted) Froyo? Any solutions or good alternative gallery apps?
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Another one.
Do a search. This issue has been addressed.