ok so dumb question..

I got the 22D update OTA, went to the market and got adobe flash 10.1 and installed.

Went to the R2D2 website to see how the flash worked and it didn't...

It said to use a Flash enabled browser to view the features ... WTF??

Anyone else have this problem , or did I do something wrong???
ok so dumb question..

I got the 22D update OTA, went to the market and got adobe flash 10.1 and installed.

Went to the R2D2 website to see how the flash worked and it didn't...

It said to use a Flash enabled browser to view the features ... WTF??

Anyone else have this problem , or did I do something wrong???

in your browser settings (assuming you're using the stock browser?) do you have plugins enabled? and if so, set to "always" or "on demand"? (that verbiage might be a little off is a good place to test as well
It. Starts the download ...when I pull the screen down to check download it shows the file and then says " download stopped not supported on this phone "

are you running stock FRG01B right now? and did you try fur's suggestion about installing Astro?
ok so dumb question..

I got the 22D update OTA, went to the market and got adobe flash 10.1 and installed.

Went to the R2D2 website to see how the flash worked and it didn't...

It said to use a Flash enabled browser to view the features ... WTF??

Anyone else have this problem , or did I do something wrong???

in your browser settings (assuming you're using the stock browser?) do you have plugins enabled? and if so, set to "always" or "on demand"? (that verbiage might be a little off is a good place to test as well

The answer is YES to all of the above.. However when I got to it works fine. Went back to the r2d2 and no go........ must be something different about that site........

but it works elsewhere... Thanks for the quick reply :)
It. Starts the download ...when I pull the screen down to check download it shows the file and then says " download stopped not supported on this phone "

are you running stock FRG01B right now? and did you try fur's suggestion about installing Astro?

Yes stock and I didn't try Fur's suggestions cause on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 2 on these kind of I don't want to screw things up..
It. Starts the download ...when I pull the screen down to check download it shows the file and then says " download stopped not supported on this phone "

are you running stock FRG01B right now? and did you try fur's suggestion about installing Astro?

Yes stock and I didn't try Fur's suggestions cause on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 2 on these kind of I don't want to screw things up..

Astro File Manager is just an app on the market, you won't hurt anything by downloading/installing it.
are you running stock FRG01B right now? and did you try fur's suggestion about installing Astro?

Yes stock and I didn't try Fur's suggestions cause on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 2 on these kind of I don't want to screw things up..

Astro File Manager is just an app on the market, you won't hurt anything by downloading/installing it.

Ok I will go this route then and report back...thanks
are you running stock FRG01B right now? and did you try fur's suggestion about installing Astro?

Yes stock and I didn't try Fur's suggestions cause on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 2 on these kind of I don't want to screw things up..

Astro File Manager is just an app on the market, you won't hurt anything by downloading/installing it.

Ok so after downloading Astro it successful. Now what do I do with it?? When I opened it I saw a bunch of files that I don't understand ..
Yes stock and I didn't try Fur's suggestions cause on a scale of 1-10 I'm a 2 on these kind of I don't want to screw things up..

Astro File Manager is just an app on the market, you won't hurt anything by downloading/installing it.

Ok so after downloading Astro it successful. Now what do I do with it?? When I opened it I saw a bunch of files that I don't understand ..

I assume you are manually upgrading, what you are seeing when you open Astro are the contents of your SD card, find the file you downloaded long press on it and select edit, then select move. Press the back button once and then select edit in the right hand top corner and select paste, then find the the file you just moved and long press on it again, select edit then rename, name it
Astro File Manager is just an app on the market, you won't hurt anything by downloading/installing it.

Ok so after downloading Astro it successful. Now what do I do with it?? When I opened it I saw a bunch of files that I don't understand ..

I assume you are manually upgrading, what you are seeing when you open Astro are the contents of your SD card, find the file you downloaded long press on it and select edit, then select move. Press the back button once and then select edit in the right hand top corner and select paste, then find the the file you just moved and long press on it again, select edit then rename, name it
yes manually updated.....Matt how do I find that download??
Ok so after downloading Astro it successful. Now what do I do with it?? When I opened it I saw a bunch of files that I don't understand ..

I assume you are manually upgrading, what you are seeing when you open Astro are the contents of your SD card, find the file you downloaded long press on it and select edit, then select move. Press the back button once and then select edit in the right hand top corner and select paste, then find the the file you just moved and long press on it again, select edit then rename, name it
yes manually updated.....Matt how do I find that download??
Matt...I get all the way to "select paste and find file I moved and long press again" can you please go over this..