Verizon has approved a Gingerbread build for release. You should all be as exicted as I am. I know we have been on gingerbread for a long time but nothing beats going official.
The upgrade path does not include those who are on Gingerbread .573/.588/.591 - Make Sure You Read Below.
The build that has been approved for release by Verizon is Blur (4.5.596) this is not build 4..5.596 but is the build tha is needed so you can upgrade via ota without needing to sbf back to 2.3.340.
The first method to upgrade to gingerbread from froyo is to sbf you phone back to stock froyo (2.3.340) and await for the upgrade.
The second method involves getting yourself on the proper build so you can receive the offical OTA once it is pushed. You can upgrade to the official OTA if you are running Blur build 4.5.595.
So to get all of you on the proper build and the proper upgrade path you have been provided with the proper blur build 4.5.595. So in the application you are going to find 3 different builds, a fully deodexed build, a fully odexed build, and a stock odexed build (no root, nothing there at al) <----- you will want to flash this one in preparation for the official release build.
REMEMBER: This is an updated gingerbread Rom (both deoex & odex), you must have already installed gingerbread in order to update to this version
2.3.3 Rooted & Deodex (4.5.595) DOWNLOAD
2.3.3 Rooted & Odex (4.5.595) DOWNLOAD