BACKUP first, there were 2 people that tried it and it wouldnt boot for them. works fine for me and a few others. It also installs a script that will start compcache on boot. Let me know how it works for you.
to check compcache stats while its booted up, from a terminal emulator do:
will show you how much ram is free, if some shows up for swap then compcache is on(will us sdcard for backing swap IF you have a swap formated 2nd partition, if not compcache will still work but not using sdcard)
rzscontrol /dev/block/ramzswap0 --stats
if not using backingswap
rzscontrol /dev/block/mmcblk0p2 --stats
if using backingswap to check stats of compcache
To all: I will be putting up a no-wipe .1 update soon that will fix some bugs.