This has happened to me twice today.. however i also had an issue 3 days after i purchased it (which was the morning it was released) i had a problem where i plugged in the charger but it wouldn't charge it didn't even register that it was plugged in. I tried my boyfriends charger too but it still didn't work. I then did a battery pull and it worked fine. Also, my boyfriend and i were the first 2 people in the store to buy them that morning and while he was registering for gmail it just shut off. The sales associate couldn't get it to turn on (which now that i think about, i dont know if he tried a battery pull, but i figure he probably did) and deemed it DOA. Now that it's shut off on me twice today i called my local verizon and got an automated service that sent me to the technical support center where i talked to a guy that asked me a couple of questions (any new apps, new updates, if my battery wasn't just dead etc.) He then said that i had 2 choices, to gave them send me a used phone or wait to see if it happens again. I decided to wait and told him i was basically calling to see if this is a common problem with this phone seeing as its new and may have bugs, he said that he wasn't aware of this being a common issue and then thats when i found this forum.