So I am now 43V3R Root-ed. I do not, however, see an option in the R3L3AS3DRoot program to remove the 43V3R Root. I would assume you were referring to a full system recovery using the stock 5.5.886 which would remove both the base root files and the modified file, to a factory condition, correct? Wouldn't that make it, then, a semi-permanent root? What's to stop Moto from integrating that fix into the next OTA? I don't want to sound ungrateful, I appreciate all the hard work from people much more dedicated than myself. I would just like to know where I stand and my options for the future.
BTW, I went to verify the 43V3R Root, and within the file, the desirable lines (at the end) read as follows:
chmod 4755 /system/bin/su
chmod 4755 /system/xbin/su
chmod 4755 /system/app/Superuser.apk
*These lines will [chmod] change the file permissions of your [/bin/su , /xbin/su , /app/Superuser.apk] files to [4755] full read/write capability*