running stock Bionic. Tried rooting with Pete's tool. Everything worked okay. Tried several apps that required/used root access to verify. Still fine. Updated mount_ext with 3 lines to keep root. Restarted phone and landed in an endless boot loop.
Now I tried this utility to restore Bionic. How long should it set at this prompt?
* *
* DROID BIONIC R3STOR3 to factory stock 886 *
* *
* Please make sure you do the following:
* (a) If you see the prompt: "waiting for device" you need to download the
* Motorola Mobile Drivers V5.2.1
* For 32-bit drivers go here:
* For 64-bit drivers go here:
* (b) Hold down the Volume down button and push power to enter AP Fastboot mode
* (c) Plug in your phone by USB
Press any key to continue . . .
* Flashing system.img....This will take about 2-5 minutes
sending 'system' (491264 KB)... OKAY
writing 'system'...