Updated the OP with updated install instructions.
Hey Chevy how's everything on your end, noticed you dropped that massive update on your other project, congrats. Any word on changes in the D3 world?
Sent from my DROID3 using Tapatalk
Nothing public yet. Still playing with the newest leak. But its progressing...
Is there anyway i can make the hdmi port functional with this rom? It no longer auto detects after plugging a cable in.
Also im having trouble with the backup assistant, I tried both of the addons even the version for the older version and its still crashing. And thanks ace38.
- I have Rom Manager AND Droid3Bootstrapper installed (possible problem?)
- Flashed using 5.6.890 SBF
- I rooted with Petes Tool (thanks to him for the ease of use!)
- Installed D3 Bootstrapper and copied zips to internal sd
- Rebooted recovery and did 'Factory Data Reset' + all the wipe options on the first menu
- installed SD 4500 zip
- rebooted
First of all let me introduce myself to the fourm... Name is Colton (probably evident per the username) and I have been stalking this thread for quite some time now. I have owned the Droid 1,2 and now the Droid 3. (will never get the droid 4 because of the non-removable battery, I thought apple was the only one who screwed their customers???) Anyway, I had installed the SD 4.5 on a D3 before and had it stable, absolutely loved it! Cannot be without it, but now I am...
I am not sure what I may have done wrong here but I will list some possibilities, I am not a full noob when it comes to this although this is my first phone to custom beyond rooting and overclocking. I had SD4.5 Running on a D3, Flashed back with RSD Lite so I could warranty replace it due to headphone jack issues, got the replacement, tried flashing, PROBLEMS! Got it back with RSD Lite but kept boot-looping even after flashing back to the OTA listed on post#1.
Now, after replacing that phone (blaming the looping issue on them) I have another D3.
- I have Rom Manager AND Droid3Bootstrapper installed (possible problem?)
- Flashed using 5.6.890 SBF
- I rooted with Petes Tool (thanks to him for the ease of use!)
- Installed D3 Bootstrapper and copied zips to internal sd
- Rebooted recovery and did 'Factory Data Reset' + all the wipe options on the first menu
- installed SD 4500 zip
- rebooted
I had to battery pull after 15 min wait (said to be normal, first phone was the same way)
Booted up to the familiar SD, received multiple FC issues????
Now the phone, even after flashing back to 5.6.890 SBF and going back to the nandroid backup I made after rooting only the phone will randomly reboot, sometimes boot-looping... Any ideas?
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I cannot stand not having Steel Droid installed and it get embarrassing going to show a picture to a friend then the phone randomly reboots.
Thank you!