I started having issue with this phone, call quality is unacceptable at times, I haven't lost data connection when being on 3G, or 4G, but when I switch from my wifi to Verizon 3G I have to reboot phone to connect to Verizon's network and that go's both ways, same issue going from Verizon's network to wifi.
I almost missed a VERY IMPORTANT call for a job interview, the person calling couldn't hear me and I had to run outside for them to hear me, they called me back on my wife's rezound without issues. I'll be honest, I'd love this phone over all others if not for the issues I started having.
I went to the Verizon store to get the Rezound back and was informed you can only exchange once during the 14 day period after that your stuck with the phone for 2 years. I did NOT KNOW THIS, I though you could exchange until your happy.
I tried calling corporate and was told the same thing, they offered me a chance to upgrade a line 6 months early but it couldn't be a 4G phone which would still leave me stuck with a 300 dollar phone I'm not happy with. I threaten to cancel my service after being a EIGHT YEAR customer that has never been disconnected for non payment. All they told me was there will be a 350 dollar ETF for each line and I'd still be charged 300 for the Nexus on top of that.
They keep telling me at the store and on the phone a update will fix it, I'm so pissed at myself because I said I would not chance this and did it anyway. Don't get me wrong I love the phone if it would just work.
So I'm in a position now that I either improve these issues with unlocking and rooting, or I cancel my Verizon service after 8 years and don't pay them a penny,I'll fight it in court before I pay them.
I'm so sick to my stomach, anyway will rooting help my issues? If so where do I go for a step by step for dummies? I can read and follow direction, but I've never hacked anything in my life.....