I'm not sure if I made note earlier in the thread but i went with the Rezound as the Nexus was just taking too long to come to VZW. When i looked at the specs, about the only edge the Nexus had for me was screen size and ICS. The Rezound will get ICS soon enough, and the screen is already larger than my OG.
I love the feel of the phone, and it is roughly the save thickness as my OG and roughly the same weight to me. The 4g is blazing fast and the only time it cuts out is when I am in buildings.... And in all fairness even my flip phone from work does the same thing and its not a smartphone. It doesn't hesitate, glitch, or stutter and I can do many things at once and it doesn't skip a beat. My only issue is with the battery and HTC said it is not normal and shipped me a new battery. (just installed 5 mins ago) most users are experiencing a ful day of use before a charge is needed.
As far as custom stuff, someone already came up with a small program that disables the VZW bloat on the phone. it will remain there as an app, but it will not auto run or use resources other than sitting in the "drive" or SD card or wherever else the programs sit. I may try it later once i figure out exactly what I want to freeze permanently.