I heavily disagree that this recent build of CyanogenMod is "stable". I've had my phone crash on me MULTIPLE times - for example, if I input my PIN key to get into my phone BEFORE it "catches" onto the network, the entire thing locks down, freezes; nothing responds - I have to simulate a battery pull to restart the phone. If I enable Extended Desktop, and go back to my homescreen, the entire phone freezes - another battery pull. The "Torch" app, as far as I know, doesn't work, and freezes when I have the high-brightness mode enabled and attempt to start the flashlight. Google Hangouts crashes quite often, too. Besides that, I cannot send MMS messages with the stock Messaging app. I also remember, at one point, the Phone app freezing.
The word "Stable" implies that it should be able to be used as a mainstay ROM, without any issues impeding its daily use. It should be flexible, reliable, and, most importantly, not crash or freeze at random intervals - it should be as stable and flexible, if not, moreso, than the stock ROM, and should offer what it does without said offerings being broken. I disagree that this ROM is stable enough to be in the "Stable" channel. Beta? Perhaps. Certainly not "Stable", however; that assumption is misleading, at best.