Silver Member
so i got my extended battery and im charging it right now. i also just purchased one of those 3500mAh batteries....i figured it such a good deal why not get it while its hotcant wait to use my 1800mAh battery and see how much more battery life i get.
Its probably gonna take awhile to condition these batteries. Its doing about the same or a little worse than stock at the moment.
Yeah I was wondering with it being after market if it would give more life or bout the same..but extra batts are always good! I heard from a few people getting regular stock voltage batts for under five bucks.. but lemme know guys how the extendeds work.. also, crazy off topic question.. why is htc such a bixxx to root? Seems like we would just use verizons motorola rsd to put the file in and just flash, but guess after studying up, the brand new bricked eris I've been trying to fix will have to wait till I have patience enough to mess with it...
*Yup just flashed that one too!*