I get the animation hang on lock screen all the time. I am clocked slower though, 800Mhz.
I forget the phone is not overclocked during the boot process by default, though there is a hack of some sort to enable this. I've spoken with an individual who had done this and an animation played better on their phone than on mine.
I've adjusted the desc.txt and uploaded it here. Place it in /system/media and give it a reboot to see if there's any difference. You might backup the original to your sd first. The framerate was 9 fps, which is good, given the frames are 480x800, nearly full screen. I would hate to resize them, since they all have the cool honeycomb pattern on them, and it would likely be blurred a bit in rescaling. I slowed it to 8 fps to give it an even 4 second loop length (32 frames in the loop). The loop had a peculiar 10 frame pause indicated for the end of the loop, despite the loop being set indefinitely. I added a 16 frame (2s) pause on the first frame/part and set the loop to play 4 full times, giving a total of 18 seconds. This should in theory end just before the lockscreen is ready to display, assuming the full-sized frames don't have any lag.
Let me know how it plays.
EDIT: It's so weird, every so often the edit mode for the forum turns to text only editor instead of the full WYSIWYG. The manage attachments button is gone as well.
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