Hey guys - I hit some major snags trying v.05 this afternoon. I'm on the .591 rooted GB leak (no custom ROM) and downloaded the donate toolbox. I went into the ROM Manager and installed the v.05, backing up my ROM and wiping data. I booted into Liberty no problem, but then I went into the market to try and get TB, D2 bootstrapper, and the Liberty Toolbox to get rolling in full, but nothing would download from the market. I just kept getting "download unsuccessful". I couldn't open text nessages either - it would snap closed immediately after opening. Now, I'm an LPP guy - never really got down with ADW, so I made LPP my default launcher. Is that the problem? As I couldn't install bootstrap, I couldn't boot into CWM. I did a battery pull and was able to flash back to my backup of rooted GB .591.
Any ideas?
I'm seeing the same thing. Droid X previously with Liberty 1.5, downloaded the 'donate' toolbox and flashed to 0.1 GB, erasing data and backing up within the toolbox (popup that came up).
Then it booted fine and started downloading all my applications (at work on 3G...), so i went through and cancelled most of the 75 or so apps it was downloading and finally got them all finished, although some still showed up as "purchased" or "free" so i had to actually click to download.
Thats fine, I installed the couple i needed (toolbox, root explorer,...) and flashed the 0.5 rom (with the kernel update) and again clearing data and backing up, and it booted fine and started downloading everything again. I didn't stop most of them , cuz i had wifi at that point, but they again showed up as purchased/free... i believe a few installed, because i see chrome to phone and a few others, but anytime i try to download any one of them, i get the "download unsuccessful" error.
I then went back to 0.4 using CWM, and created a backup there of 0.5 (which unfortunately was the market non working one) without clearing data this time. I'm still getting unsuccessful downloads though.
Anyone else get this problem, and did you fix it?