I have no doubt that this has been asked and answered, but I'm having a hard time finding it... hoping for a definitive answer!
I understand the process for getting to LibertyGB .05 from the Donate Toolbox.
My question is this:
I am currently on Froyo .340, Liberty 2.0.1. So would the very first step for me would be to get the leaked GB .588 installed and build from there using the Liberty v.04 file? Or do I need to get the Liberty v.01 file FIRST (through the toolbox, I'm assuming?) Or should I have the latest GB leak to start with (.595 or .596...?) Or none of the above? Also, once I get the leaked GB to start (if needed), do I then need to root my phone again before beginning the Liberty GB install?
And thanks Team liberty for all that you do!