to put on the market fix do you just install it as an
Did I do something to lose chrome to phone or is it not present in this ROM. Its far from a deal breaker as I'm loving the rom so far, but if anyone could tell me how I could get it back it'd be appreciated.
I tried to restore with Titanium, but no dice.
Thanks for any help.
Did I do something to lose chrome to phone or is it not present in this ROM. Its far from a deal breaker as I'm loving the rom so far, but if anyone could tell me how I could get it back it'd be appreciated.
I tried to restore with Titanium, but no dice.
Thanks for any help.
google is your friend
chrometophone-android-v1.6.apk - chrometophone - Chrome to Phone Extension (Android App) v1.6 Pre-release - Project Hosting on Google Code
anyone having issues with their phone being SUUUUUUPER laggy when someone calls??? my phone will vibrate like 5 or 6 times before the screen even turns on for me to answer it.
on kangerade i noticed that too, system just dont like cpu to be at 125, its just a bit too slow for it, i changed to p3 kernel where that its low was 250 and i dont get that anymore
Man, I leave the country for a couple of weeks and return to all sorts of ROM-my goodness. Love it. Anyway...
anyone having issues with their phone being SUUUUUUPER laggy when someone calls??? my phone will vibrate like 5 or 6 times before the screen even turns on for me to answer it.
on kangerade i noticed that too, system just dont like cpu to be at 125, its just a bit too slow for it, i changed to p3 kernel where that its low was 250 and i dont get that anymore
Froyo actually likes 125 much better than earlier builds where it didn't work at all. The issues you guys are reporting is like related to a combination of settings, specifically the min/max settings as well as the Sampling Rate.
The problem is that when a call (or other notification) comes in, several things need to happen in the phone, and if the CPU is stuck at 125, then it can't throttle up in time to do everything it needs to do efficiently. SkullOne has a pretty good explanation of his testing and results in his overclocking thread, but the punch line is that you can use the 125 min, but want to set the max to 500 or so with a reasonable Sampling Rate and Up Threshold to allow the phone to quickly throttle up too execute all of the tasks needed when a call comes in. Setting it that way will still get you the battery savings of 125 most of the time when the screen is off, but allow it to be properly responsive when it needs to.
I just flashed the ROM and have been trying it out with the stock kernel, but I'm going to try the P3 1000 LV kernel I've used with past builds later today. I had my SetCPU pretty tweaked out, but I'm getting the idea I'll have to run a new round of tests with Lithium. After I can get to that, I can let you know what seems to be working for me (although your settings will likely be slightly different for your phone or what you're trying to do).
Man, I leave the country for a couple of weeks and return to all sorts of ROM-my goodness. Love it. Anyway...
on kangerade i noticed that too, system just dont like cpu to be at 125, its just a bit too slow for it, i changed to p3 kernel where that its low was 250 and i dont get that anymore
Froyo actually likes 125 much better than earlier builds where it didn't work at all. The issues you guys are reporting is like related to a combination of settings, specifically the min/max settings as well as the Sampling Rate.
The problem is that when a call (or other notification) comes in, several things need to happen in the phone, and if the CPU is stuck at 125, then it can't throttle up in time to do everything it needs to do efficiently. SkullOne has a pretty good explanation of his testing and results in his overclocking thread, but the punch line is that you can use the 125 min, but want to set the max to 500 or so with a reasonable Sampling Rate and Up Threshold to allow the phone to quickly throttle up too execute all of the tasks needed when a call comes in. Setting it that way will still get you the battery savings of 125 most of the time when the screen is off, but allow it to be properly responsive when it needs to.
I just flashed the ROM and have been trying it out with the stock kernel, but I'm going to try the P3 1000 LV kernel I've used with past builds later today. I had my SetCPU pretty tweaked out, but I'm getting the idea I'll have to run a new round of tests with Lithium. After I can get to that, I can let you know what seems to be working for me (although your settings will likely be slightly different for your phone or what you're trying to do).
I have mine set at a min of 400 and max of 800. should i be getting lag problems with those settings??? i actually missed a call this morning because the phone was vibrating but the stupid screen wouldnt turn on....... that's a deal breaker for me. i was running cyanogen 6 rc2 and didn't have this problem at all......
Love this rom but have read this whole thread and still haven't seen an answer as to why the call answer button is pushed to the left or if a fix is on the way. I am running the Stock Lithium theme, WatermarkD. Any answers on this issue guys or will we have to wait for Jrummy to get back?
anyone having issues with their phone being SUUUUUUPER laggy when someone calls??? my phone will vibrate like 5 or 6 times before the screen even turns on for me to answer it.
on kangerade i noticed that too, system just dont like cpu to be at 125, its just a bit too slow for it, i changed to p3 kernel where that its low was 250 and i dont get that anymore
i have mine at a min of 400...... and it's still doing that???
Anybody having problems booting into recovery?