I've decided I'm going to go back to a jdlfg kernel because I've used that Slayher kernel now with interactive CPU governor for several days now and I've come to the conclusion that, on my phone, it acts a little choppier (presumably because that dev compiled his kernel with all modules installed), and I've also noticed my battery life cut by a significant amount. After going to the Overclock 101 forum and posting a question there, it became clear to me that an 'interactive' CPU governor is most likely not for me. I'd rather keep a fixed voltage anyway.
Plus, since jdlfg compiled his kernel with only the necessary modules needed to run Li-Mod ROM, it feels snappier than a kernel with all modules loaded. I did kinda like the idea of the compcache feature to gain extra swap memory space, but I have not even seen or performed any performance tests to prove that there are no reductions in performance as a result of running compcache. It does seem to give more virtual memory, but the question remains, does it slow down performance? I don't know, but perhaps someone else here could say.
But the end perception to me is that my overall performance and battery life was better when I had been running the jdlfg kernel since it was built with Li-Mod in mind (lean/mean).
Any thoughts?
Plus, since jdlfg compiled his kernel with only the necessary modules needed to run Li-Mod ROM, it feels snappier than a kernel with all modules loaded. I did kinda like the idea of the compcache feature to gain extra swap memory space, but I have not even seen or performed any performance tests to prove that there are no reductions in performance as a result of running compcache. It does seem to give more virtual memory, but the question remains, does it slow down performance? I don't know, but perhaps someone else here could say.
But the end perception to me is that my overall performance and battery life was better when I had been running the jdlfg kernel since it was built with Li-Mod in mind (lean/mean).
Any thoughts?