Reading thread.....seems to be so many issues and even less support!..staying tuned......
Posts like this really tick me off!!!
What issues? The only issues that i know of (that are not self inflicted) have been addressed, or are being worked on?
And what do expect for support... i have done my best to fix problems and answer questions! But I have a job and family too!
Considering we have had 10,000 downloads in less than 24 hours I think the number of people reporting issues is small.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Great work on the rom and I know the support is awesome! I am a noob and I know how to read directions but I think some don't and want to take short cuts. I wanted to post this yesterday but decided not to but now is a good time.
I love the X and the big reason I love it is because of the customization options. I also understand the ramifications of messing with my phone. That's why I research posts and read the instructions and warnings of installing stuff on my phone. I have only had my phone since December and since have rooted themed and rommed. I have also visited many forums and read hundreds of posts. My first rom was Gummy, then Liberty 1 and now Liberty 1.5 and all my installs have been great. Kejar31 has done a fantastic job with the product that he has produced for free using his free time, time that could have been spent with his family. His support is fantastic! Liberty has only been out for what? Almost 2 months. Now we have an update. How does that happen if the developer does not support his product. And the support is coming from someone that has life, a job, a family.
If you are having problems ask questions and eventually you will get help. That's another thing I love about the X, the community support is awesome as well! If I can get it figured out anyone can. Be patience. There are not any big issues with this ROM!
The day before 1.5 came out I was telling my wife that my phone is perfect. I almost didn't flash 1.5. I am happy I did. I did it because the developer created an update and if they felt an update was needed then I should up date. Oh and one of the developers is kejar31 and his other products were f'eeennn great!
Kejar31, great product, great support. Thanks for taking time from your family and giving us this wonderful product for free!