So I have been running Blurry and love it, but i have been wondering about Focused. I know blur is taken out but I really dont know what that means...what would I be missing?? I think I want to give it a try but would like to know the above please.
Also, would i be able to install Focused through ROM Manager since I have Blurry installed? Or would I have to do the zip method? THanks
Love your work!!
Well basically Blur is almost everything you see and use (well i do thats why im running Blurry) on the droid that came stock with the phone. Mostly being the motorola widgets it came with and maybe a few apps. ie social networking app, toggle widgets, and photviewer. Backup assistant also is removed on focused it might be added now though. If you like how your phone automatically syncs your friends and contacts pics from FB or myspace then i suggest you dont. There are ways around this but its just a hassle. So lets put it this way, your not missing out on anything running Blurry maybe besides the extra memory thats available.
As for flashing it i think you can do do either way but its easy as hell both ways but i like the zip method better but a slight user error can make it hell for your phone.