Does anyone know if you can leave phone plugged in while flashing a ROM like USB or wall plug in? I make sure phone is charged before doing it but I just wanna be safe.
also currious. if i wanted to add drods black glass theme. what 1 would i choose?
black glass x deodexeerrrr?
black glass x 2.3.15 deodexed
black glass x 2.3.15 odexed???
also currious. if i wanted to add drods black glass theme. what 1 would i choose?
black glass x deodexeerrrr?
black glass x 2.3.15 deodexed
black glass x 2.3.15 odexed???
This is the one I used for my droid x
Wanted to post a pic of my battery life so far. This was over night with some surf time today. I do have the ext battery.
Why do you care how I posted, just sit back and enjoy my awesomeness or laugh at me either way you're reading my stuff.
Wanted to post a pic of my battery life so far. This was over night with some surf time today. I do have the ext battery.
Why do you care how I posted, just sit back and enjoy my awesomeness or laugh at me either way you're reading my stuff.
Weird.. cell standby for me is 3%.. alas, I'll try to recreate it
It might be caused by your phone going from 3g to 1x back to 3g a lot.. does it do that?
Wanted to post a pic of my battery life so far. This was over night with some surf time today. I do have the ext battery.
Why do you care how I posted, just sit back and enjoy my awesomeness or laugh at me either way you're reading my stuff.
Weird.. cell standby for me is 3%.. alas, I'll try to recreate it
It might be caused by your phone going from 3g to 1x back to 3g a lot.. does it do that?
I was just posting how great the battery life was. When I took that cap I was still at 90% battery.
I do switch from 1X to 3G a good bit.
is it possible to get the Focused Email client on other phones? this is the best client ever and want to get it on my wifes Dx.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
using what? This is my first mod and apk it possible to get the Focused Email client on other phones? this is the best client ever and want to get it on my wifes Dx.
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
Yes. Remove the bluremail.apk, bluremailengine.apk and copy droidemailpolicy.apk and email.apk to /system/app and change permissions
So I have been running Blurry and love it, but i have been wondering about Focused. I know blur is taken out but I really dont know what that means...what would I be missing?? I think I want to give it a try but would like to know the above please.
Also, would i be able to install Focused through ROM Manager since I have Blurry installed? Or would I have to do the zip method? THanks
Love your work!!