I have gone to a new way of making ROMs which will allow users to add what they like through update zip files. So you will start off with a clean ROM. Your start off ROMs will be the following:
All are based on 2.4.5 VZW Software
Super Clean with default google apps
Super Clean with default google apps but with Bluremail. Bluremail is a nice exchange or email client for those that dont use Gmail.
They will come with the Black Bar Theme or Default Droid2 theme. Also there is a black bar theme with default vanilla android icons.
From there you will have pre-made packages to install.
Example, you want you download the file and update it through recovery. You want Droid2 Gallery, you download Droid2 Gallery and update through recovery, you want complete blur with all social apps...well you get the idea. Plus many more options and setups. You can also install whatever you want manually, I will have instructions on how to do that. It will be a good way to learn the basics of Android too.
I am finishing up testing the base ROMs and packages so I should have them up later on tonight or tomorrow at some point.
I will no longer be answering questions about the current ROMs. I am taking the time to rebuild everything. It was all done from the ground up and I must say the new ROMs feel smoother and seem a lot more stable.
They will be posted in my new ROM thread found
Thanks for all the support!