what themes work with tis rom so far??
Tried what you said,still not working for meyea, same here. you just have to manually set it up for pop3.This is smoking fast...No problems other than I'm not able to log into my yahoo acct.I tried a manual setup,imap.mail.yahoo.com,smtp.mobile.yahoo.com still not working.
Any ideas
incoming - pop.mail.yahoo.com port 110
outgoing - smtp.mail.yahoo.com port 25
which part is failing, the incoming or the outgoing? did change any other settings? what error message you get?Tried what you said,still not working for meyea, same here. you just have to manually set it up for pop3.This is smoking fast...No problems other than I'm not able to log into my yahoo acct.I tried a manual setup,imap.mail.yahoo.com,smtp.mobile.yahoo.com still not working.
Any ideas
incoming - pop.mail.yahoo.com port 110
outgoing - smtp.mail.yahoo.com port 25
Thanks for the input
Just to clarify do we go under mounts and storrage and format cache and data or do we factory reset/wipe data and wipe cache partition?
Could the .5 back up assist patch work on this version?
Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
yes it works just fine
Edit: Using the patch will load backup assistant, however, it will not sync contacts only because it requires the blur contacts to be able to view all of them. So if you don't have it, backup will work, however you will only be able to view the contacts that are synced with google, or your calendar.
I've not tried this, has anyone given it a shot? Can someone confirm if it works or not?
From MyVerizon:
--Contacts at the top:
--View Contacts (bottom right)
--Select All (Top Right)
--From the drop down (to the right of select all), choose Export Contacts
Then import on into google Contacts...
Please let me know if this works or not!
just one issue ive noticed in the market...apps wont download and show in the notification panel. Ill start the download, then it goes to 100 % but then dissapear out of the notification panel and not be downloaded. any ideas??
Having a similar issue... first could not find google car home in the market so I sent it to my phone from appbrain. Showed the download and install both went fine but it is not showing in my app drawer at all. Shows in settings>apps>downloaded though Did a reboot and it's still not showing in app drawer so no real way to access it
The new google car home doesn't show up for DXs, perhaps other phones as well. You can download it using other means (like you did) but it won't show up in the app drawer. It should open once you're in a car dock, but you can always add a shortcut to the home screen if needs be. Again, this is _not_ a rubiX issue.
I had my phone perfect then I cracked the screen, I rooted the new phone, installed the bootstrap and rom manager. I downloaded this rom rebooted into clockwork recovery and followed the instructions on page one. It said the process had completed and now my phone is stuck on the M. When I reboot I hold up/down volume and picture button i get a black screen with Bootloader 29.01 screen. I tried to SFB back to stock but it says my phone isn't compatible. Any suggestions, I'm really screwed right now. I need my phone for work tomorrow. Thanks in advance
I was on Rubix .5 was DarkEdge beta theme installed. Rebooted to bootstrap, wiped data, wiped cache, installed Rubix1.0 from .zip, installed Incognito1.2 from .zip, rebooted.
I was stuck at the "Press android to begin"... pressing him did nothing, language selection let me pick English but still wouldn't let me past android. I rebooted and same thing. Tried wiping data/cache, still no luck.
Just tried to flash 2.2 SBF file (2.3.15_1FF_01) and it gets to 99% then get
"Failed flashing process. Interface BP: Error sending RAM download for bootloader. Device API Error: 0xE003003F Address: 0x150000 Command: ADDR (0xE023203F); phone connected.
Stuck in infinite boot loop. Tried to re-flash.. same error. What now?
Having a similar issue... first could not find google car home in the market so I sent it to my phone from appbrain. Showed the download and install both went fine but it is not showing in my app drawer at all. Shows in settings>apps>downloaded though Did a reboot and it's still not showing in app drawer so no real way to access it
The new google car home doesn't show up for DXs, perhaps other phones as well. You can download it using other means (like you did) but it won't show up in the app drawer. It should open once you're in a car dock, but you can always add a shortcut to the home screen if needs be. Again, this is _not_ a rubiX issue.
Best suggestion I have for car home, is to try one of the many alternatives available from the market. This one has gotten many recommendations, and high marks from those who've used it:
Car Home (beta) - Android app on AppBrain
Quick note on top of that, for the new CarHome to show up in the app drawer, you also need to have the CarHomeLauncher.apk installed. With that it works how it should.
Wish it was in the market still.![]()