Cool, thanks! Good to know these things.
I was just trying to mess with the scripts, the one to add the droid eye live wall paper keeps throwing an error for me. I used terminal, and su, the dxeye -rs and get the error
'failed on '/data/rubix/DroidEye.bak' - Cross-device link'
I guess if 1.9.7 is coming out I won't worry about itnot really needing the wall paper, I was just trying out some of the scripts.
Just a hunch, the Android 'mv' command doesn't like going from one device(partition) to another. Try doing:
export PATH="/system/xbin:${PATH}"
and then running dxeye -rs. That should cause the commands in dxeye to use the busybox versions if they exist (like 'mv') over the Android versions.
(For what it's worth, I tested this. It should work =P)
Thanks! That did the trick. wow I learn something new every day.
Glad to help =)