Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

Latest setup!

Visit my blog for details.

The COD setup for the weekend. I usually don't copy themes but this is one of the sickest game-oriented setups ever. Credit to McCARTHY over at UltraLinx for the idea.
Minimalistic Text / Folder Organizer experts: I can tie "normal" apps to a text widget but how do I create a MT widget that points to a Folder Organizer label.
Example: I want to click on "games" and have the Folder Organizer folder Games pop-up.
There are 4 or 5 Folder Organizer activities to choose from but I am not sure what to pick nor how to specify a specifig label.


+1000 on this question.

Would love to find out.
Latest setup!

Visit my blog for details.

Nice! Like the icons built into the wallpaper!


I still need to fix a little issue that I found that after I was almost done with my set up, the "Calls" icon its just a little too low, I will need to move it up a few pixels so that when I add the smsunread widget it won't look weird
new setup with a wallpaper I Photo shopped together real quick.
Project Elite is the shizzzzz......

Project Elite V.5 (Stock GB)
Launcher Pro 8.3 GB themed widgets