Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

Prepare yourself mofo's for the most wicked retro theme ever haha. dancedroid:icon_ banana:dancedroid:icon_ banana:
Wurd shawty, yo retro themes were sticky. I just wanted to say that. Now things change a bit when I switched up the wallpaper.... ;)
Cool setup what better way to show off your lockscreen then show some butt cheeks lol

Latest setup.. all info on the blog


Swyped from the best phone in verizon's line up
Lol she is preety hot I just met her not to long ago

Hey u stole my question lol

Sorry:) Haha
That Mourissa girl is looking pretty da** good haha

Swyped from the best phone in verizon's line up

You guys are hilarious, stand by, give me 10 minutes and you'll see my last setup for today...(slapping myself....... "I must stop this madness......I must stop...) ohh WTH.. what I am thinking?, I already have on mind the next setup!!.. :icon_eek: