Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?


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Here is mine for the week. I am kind of a slump with my homescreen because I spent too much time making the widgetlocker sliders. Detail on the blog as always. [LINK]

As usual shots are effin' sick. I'll have my Thunderbolt soon so how do you take shots without root? Holla atcha boi.
my thunderbolt...rooted, debloat rom by adrynalyne, rEVOlution rosie skin, super circle battery mod thanks to UOT online kitchen..

there's only this one and one that removes sense, which I happen to like quite a bit...its only been a couple days tho took me a couple months to do half of this to the droid when it came out...
Hesitant to commit to thunderbolt because of the battery concerns. It'll be hard to resist though if it comes anywhere close to being as rom friendly as my Droid.

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