Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

I like the wl screen. Is there a write up on how to make your own? I'm new to all this but I would like to learn.

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I like the wl screen. Is there a write up on how to make your own? I'm new to all this but I would like to learn.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

The WL screen is basically like your homescreen. You pick widgets, wallpaper, and so on.

The thing you "make" would be the slider.

Easiest way to learn I think is to start by finding a theme you like, take a look at it in gimp or photoshop, and go to town.

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The text notifications are from MissedIt! developed by a guy over at XDA (can't get his name because XDA is down). Only shows up if it has an event to report.

it took some work... i think it's finally perfect. hope ya'll like it. :D

And April fool's. :D
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