Battery indicator wont allow full charge
Has anyone had problems getting their 2600mah battery to charge completely? I ran my battery to empty, then put it on a charger. I had to remove it from the charger to take a call after charging it for only 2 hours, but the indicator reported the battery was fully charged. I know there's no way it was charged fully, but when I put it back on the charger, it wouldn't start charging again. I then had to leave, so I took my phone and placed it on my car charger. Initially, the white charging LED lit, but it went out after a few seconds. When I looked at my battery app, it reported that the battery was discharging and was at 70%.
It seems like the battery monitor/indicator turns off the charging function because it thinks the battery is full when its really not.
Are there any tricks to getting this battery to charge completely?
Also, while this battery definitely seems to last longer than the OEM, not knowing when it is close to dying is annoying. I carried it all day yesterday at 5%. It finally died just as I was attempting to make an important call last night. I've observed that it will drain to 20% and I can reboot the phone and it will come back up at 60%, decline to 20% in a few hours, then reboot and it comes up at 60%, declines to 20% in an hour, reboots up to 40%, etc...
Motorola told me that, aside from how bad using a non-OEM battery was, their firmware didn't support a high capacity battery. Seidio told me essentially the same thing. Anyone figured out how to get an accurate reading from it?