Sarreq Teryx
oh, that's ridiculous looking, i'll stick with the slim extended battery when it's out, thanks
I agree that it's not pretty! From what I can measure it looks like it sticks out about 5/16 inch.
I received my Seidio extended battery on Saturday. The instructions said to charge for at least 8 hours before normal use. When I put the battery in it was at 70% charge and it only took maybe an hour for it to say 100%. I still left it on the charge even though I don't think it was charging(?). The instructions also said that you need to have at least 5 charges before the battery becomes conditioned and performance improves.
So, today was the first chance on a single charge to give it a try. I took the phone off the charger around 900am this morning. I didn't talk much on the phone today (10-15minutes). However, I texted as normal and used all other data services as normal. It might have even been a heavier than normal day because my wife played with the phone for 20 minutes or so surfing, market, etc. She's seriously considering whether or not to give up the bb.
It is now 1100pm and the battery is at 70%. That is MUCH more juice than what I would normally get. By now I'd either have a dead battery, or would've thrown it on the charger so that I could get through the day. So, I'm pretty happy, but I would REALLY like to see a bit more. I am in IT and this thing is a tool. Actually, the droid is becoming my goto device more and more. For those of you in IT, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about (RDP, VNC, telnet, etc)
Yes. I cringed for a bit when I saw the screen shots of the battery. However, hats off to Seido design for working with what they had. I used to have a motoq with the extended battery and this thing blows the daylights out of that battery/device. As far as looks go... well, like I said, this thing is the tool of tools for me. No gaming.... no facebooking... just a lot of heavy use with wifi, vpn, email, etc. I will totally sacrifice some looks in exchange for added battery life. It's a no brainer. I carry my droid in my pocket and the added size is hardly noticeable. I really didn't notice a difference in weight. However, when I first got the Droid the weight was noticeably different than my feather bb curve. I'm used to it now and actually like the feel so much better. I remember on the motoq a lot of users said they actually liked the feel of the extended battery because it made the phone more comfortable to hold while talking. I never drank the kool-aid from those folks, but I imagine there will be people saying the same thing with this battery. I'm still not really used to the feel of it, but by no means does it take away from the satisfaction of the phone itself.
Overall, I have zero regrets. Once again, I don't care about looks. When I'm on a 10 story roof trying to troubleshoot a wireless problem and need to call someone at the other end the last thing I want to be looking at is how many bars are left on the battery meter. I will probably keep the stock battery close by for the date nights with the wife so it doesn't look like I have a Palm Treo 650 sitting on the table!!
If i find that the battery life improves even more, I will update this post. Meanwhile, I'm putting my 70% charged droid to bed for the night! She's got a big day tomorrow!
Same thing happens to me
That's so big you'd think you could store food in there for emergencies:icon_ devil:
Ok, my first youtube video ever and it's of a stinking phone!!?? lol. If you want a different/better shot, please let me know.
Sedio Extended Battery
ON that note.... an emergency.... tornado, hurricane or anything that kills power for a season... folks with a decent battery will be thankful!
Conclusion - My battery took about 6 hours to get to 20%. Another 6 to get to 5%.Then when it got down to 5% it lasted 5 hours of heavy usage (youtube, listening to mp3, downloading music) I am hoping since i drained the battery completely it will reset a counter in the phone so that phone itself can give me a more accurate battery reading.