So I got this battery yesterday, and I have a few questions.
I charged it overnight and after about an hour of use this morning, it showed half power. When I restarted the full, the battery bar is now full. Is this something I have to continue doing?
Also, now that some of you have had it for a while, has the battery indicator ever improved, or will it constantly get low and you just have to keep hoping it lasts? I don't want to have a 5% power warning on my phone constantly, even though I have hours of power left.
I charged it overnight and after about an hour of use this morning, it showed half power. When I restarted the full, the battery bar is now full. Is this something I have to continue doing?
Also, now that some of you have had it for a while, has the battery indicator ever improved, or will it constantly get low and you just have to keep hoping it lasts? I don't want to have a 5% power warning on my phone constantly, even though I have hours of power left.